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Education Articles


P2P Payment Systems: What You Need To Know

Peer-to-peer (P2P) payment systems have dramatically changed the way we handle our money. It’s so easy to send money with just a few taps on your phone. But be sure to keep your money safe by following the tips outlined in this article. First popularized by PayPal, the world of P2P payment systems has exploded. A NerdWallet survey found that...
Forming Money Habits Knowing Your Payment Options

Boost Your Credit Score: 4 Myths Debunked

In the area of personal finance, credit scores can seem a lot more mysterious than they actually are. Many people believe that improving them is a matter of trial and error. As a result, there’s a lot of “credit score advice” floating around that can do more harm than good. Below are four common myths about credit scores and the truth about each...
Mastering Credit

Is Now the Time to Refinance?

The benefits of refinancing locally could make the difference. In mid-2022, the Federal Reserve began raising interest rates in an effort to reduce inflation. By October 2023, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate climbed to 7.79%, the highest it had been in the 21 st century since topping out at 8.64% in 2000. Those surges put homeowners...
Planning Your Future Owning a Home

The Ins and Outs of Farm and Ranch Insurance

Farmers and ranchers have unique insurance needs. Their situations call for considerably more protection than, say, a home or vehicle. With that in mind, farm and ranch insurance policies can be tailored to help meet those needs. Think of this type of insurance as a hybrid designed to protect farmers and ranchers personally and commercially....
Understanding Insurance

Stay (Financially) Safe During the Holidays

Despite all of the economic challenges over the past handful of years, holiday shopping season hasn’t suffered. Partially fueled by longer holiday seasons, sales continue to  set records for online and other non-store sales during the final three months of the year. That means a whole lot of payments via credit and debit cards and a host of...
Protecting Your Information

Have a Plan Before Flooding, Other Disasters Strike

Early fall is a time to annually promote family and community disaster planning. Every autumn, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) stresses the importance of preparing for unexpected disasters and emergencies with National Preparedness Month. In 2022, the theme was “ A Lasting Legacy ," the latest reminder for all Americans to stop an...
Planning Your Future Owning a Home

Estimating Your Retirement Income Needs

Retirement may be decades away, but it's never too early to start planning. Where do you begin? Start by estimating how much income you'll need to fund your retirement. That's not as easy as it sounds, because retirement planning is not an exact science. Your specific needs depend on your goals and many other factors. Use your current income as ...
Planning Your Future

Affordable Sustainability, Part 1: Going Solar

Here are the ins and outs of using solar energy to power your home. Are your winter and summer energy bills going through the roof? Maybe it’s time to upgrade to solar panels. Solar panels have become increasingly popular since a tax credit was instituted in 2019. Originally scheduled to expire in 2024, the tax credit was extended through 2034...
Owning a Home Knowing Your Payment Options

Plan For Retirement, Especially In Your 20s

If you’re in your 20s, retirement may seem too far off to worry about. Besides, you probably have more immediate concerns, like student loans, car loans, and credit card debt. And if you’re in your 30s or 40s, you may be more focused on buying a house and raising children than on retirement planning. But the sooner you get into the habit of savi...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

Tips For Successful ACH Transfers

Keep these things in mind to ensure transactions between your financial institutions are seamless. What do shopping online, sending money to friends through an app, and having your tax refund deposited directly into your bank account have in common? They’re all possible thanks to the Automated Clearing House (ACH)—a computer network that moves...
Knowing Your Payment Options