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The real estate market is typically a frenzy of activity from April to September. The weather is ideal for sellers to put their homes up for sale and buyers to look at them. Families tend to relocate during the summer months as they change jobs while getting their children settled before the upcoming fall school term. That’s what happens in a...
Losing your job is never an enjoyable experience. It’s especially challenging for older workers approaching retirement age . Not only has the job market become increasingly competitive, but finding health insurance after being displaced can add another element of stress. Fortunately, there are options for securing what, hopefully, will only be ...
It should come as no surprise that college tuition costs are rising, but the extent to which these costs are outpacing inflation can be alarming. In the past 30 years, the average cost of tuition at public four-year institutions has more than tripled. And this doesn’t even account for costs of housing, books, meals, etc. If the trend continues...
College isn’t getting any cheaper. And worse, with so much competition for scholarships, funding is far from a sure thing (no matter how qualified you are). Even college-bound students who do receive funding typically discover it’s not enough to cover the cost of a degree. But don’t let this sway your decision whether you attend college. Between...
If you’re like many Americans, chances are you put saving on your back burner the past couple years. The personal savings rate, which measures the percentage of your disposable income that you save, has historically averaged 8.45% from 1959 until now. For obvious reasons, that rate soared to 33% during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020...
There are seemingly endless ways today to achieve instant gratification with a few mouse clicks. Shopping has become so streamlined that you hardly need to leave the house anymore. With so many e-commerce stores offering free shipping and next-day delivery, the shopping and buying process has become ridiculously easy. How about insurance? Surely...
Personal loan . It’s such a general term that can theoretically be interpreted many different ways. For instance, back in the day, people would simply write “IOU” on a piece of scratch paper, a veritable handshake promise that you’ll eventually pay your buddy the 20 bucks you borrowed. A college student living on ramen noodles may get a small...
Are you on the fence deciding whether to sell your home? Depending on your station in life, it's still a pretty good time to sell. The market has cooled somewhat for sellers, but housing inventory remains historically low, which in turn has kept prices high. Before diving in, though, make sure your financial home is sound. After you sell your...
The Pacific Northwest has its share of natural disasters. Because of their unpredictable nature, they should serve as a good reminder to be prepared. If you feel like you’re not ready for the next big one, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has a detailed guide for improving personal preparedness at Ready.gov . When natural disaster...
If you’re like many people, spring cleaning just feels good. It gives us a sense of purpose—even in normal times. Organizing and cleaning gets you moving, makes you feel more productive. You get to open all the windows and blinds to let fresh air and sunshine in, and follow that natural light outside. Decluttering your home, inside and out, also...