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Education Articles

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Education Articles


Protect Yourself from Unemployment Scams

The figure is staggering: Nearly 47 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic—a number greater than the combined population of 23 states. Piggybacking this crisis are scammers lined up to take advantage. According to a recent report from the Inspector General of the U.S. Labor Department,...
Planning Your Future Protecting Your Information

6 Apps To Help Kick-Start the School Year

There are many apps available to help get your children's year off to a great start. Schoolwork organization apps With the help of organizational apps, your life might just be a little easier if everything is orderly. myHomework  (iOS, Android).  It’s not always easy to keep up with assignments, projects, and scheduled tests from different...
Planning Your Future

4 Ways To Watch Your Savings Grow

Remember the days of pedaling to the local bank and depositing your lawn-mowing or paper-route money into a savings account? Life is more complicated now (as are our finances), but the idea remains the same: We want a safe place to store our money and, ideally, watch it grow. SELCO has been around since the throes of the Great Depression,...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

7 Life Insurance Misconceptions

Many of us let popular claims about life insurance convince us that we don’t need it. Whatever your unique needs, it doesn’t hurt to give what you’ve heard additional thought—in fact, it might help a great deal. Read on to see if you change your mind about seven of the most common life insurance misconceptions. #1: I’m single and have no...
Planning Your Future Understanding Insurance

SELCO Select Checking: Your Personal Financial Hub

A checking account is no longer just a place to house and access your money. In the past, checking accounts were mostly used as a pass-through system, pooling your money and then dispersing it via checks or cash withdrawals. But like so many other banking products and services, checking accounts have evolved to fit modern times and needs. You ca...
Planning Your Future Knowing Your Payment Options

Renting as a College Student

For many college students, renting off-campus is a major part of the college experience. Exciting, too. I, for one, couldn’t wait to live with friends. We were looking for something affordable, sure, but what we wanted most was an awesome place to throw parties. And while a great space to hang out for a reasonable price is important, there are...
Mastering Credit Planning Your Future

Knowing Your Home Improvement Options

As spring turns to summer, Oregon's natural beauty is in full view. Is it time to spruce up your home to match that splendor? Depending on the scope of the project, home improvements can be both time-consuming and costly. And many use their home’s equity to acquire the funds needed to complete the project. Home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) ,...
Planning Your Future Owning a Home Knowing Your Payment Options

Unexpected Expenses of Owning a Pet

If you own a pet, you already know that budgeting is just part of the deal—just like walking the dog or scheduling regular vet visits. If you’re starting to look for your own “man’s best friend,” it might be time to start thinking about all the expenses that go into owning a pet. Before taking a trip down to your  local shelter  or pet store,...
Planning Your Future Understanding Insurance

Mentally Prepare to Ace That Job Interview

It’s the night before the big interview. Your outfit is laid out, your résumé is hot off the press, and you’ve Google-Mapped your route. You’re sufficiently prepared—and yet, you’re still nervous. Although we’re generally pretty good at anticipating and preparing for external challenges, it’s those pesky internal challenges that tend to come up...
Planning Your Future

Protect Yourself From Financial Burden

Simply put, Payment Protection helps safeguard your loans. If an unexpected life event leaves you at risk of defaulting on a major loan, Payment Protection could help you and your family when you need it most. If you’re thinking, “That sounds a lot like life insurance,” you’re partially right. But Payment Protection and life insurance are intend...
Planning Your Future Understanding Insurance