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Education Articles

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Education Articles


Help Fight Phishing Scams by Inspecting Links in Emails and Texts

You’ve probably noticed that scam emails and texts are getting harder to tell apart from legitimate messages. If it’s enough to make you question everything that hits your phone or inbox, you’re not alone. So, what can we do? First off, trust your gut. If you aren’t expecting a message, don’t be so quick to click a link (whose sole purpose may b...
Protecting Your Information

Romance Scams: Breaking Hearts & Bank Accounts

By now, most of us have heard about “ romance scams ” that target individuals looking for companionship or to give a family member a hand (these are also known as “distant relative scams”). Such scams are well known because they’ve been around a long time—and because they’re effective. Romance scams and other versions of the “advance-fee scam” c...
Protecting Your Information

Account Takeover Fraud Is on the Rise. Avoid Becoming a Victim

Online systems have never been more secure, providing multiple ways to protect your personal information. Because these systems are so safe, fraudsters have to look for new ways to access this sensitive information.   A new technique called account takeover fraud (ATO) has pushed its way to the front of the line. Because online security systems...
Protecting Your Information

Your Financial Checklist for Traveling Abroad

Your trip of a lifetime is almost here. Your passport is up to date and ready for some new stamps. You know what you need to pack—and how to make use of every square inch of luggage. You’ve learned about the culture and all the exotic food at your destination. You’re ready to travel across the international dateline. But are you financially read...
Knowing Your Payment Options Protecting Your Information

‘Smishing’: What Is It, Why Is It So Common, and What Can You Do About It?

Does it seem like you aren’t getting as many robocalls these days? OK, maybe they haven’t slowed down that much; let’s just say they’ve leveled off . But you’re likely getting bombarded with more spam texts than ever before. A lot more. After an exponential increase in 2022, spam texts continue to go out to Americans in droves—and are becoming...
Protecting Your Information

Realistic (Financial) New Year’s Resolutions

On the search for doable, practical resolutions that could be a major boon to your financial journey? This is the perfect time to add some resolutions to help you save, be informed, and plan ahead.

Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits Protecting Your Information

How to Spot (and Stop) Mortgage Junk Mail

When you finalize the purchase of a home, your information becomes public record—and on comes the junk mail. The good news is there are ways to spot (and stop) mortgage junk mail.

Owning a Home Protecting Your Information

How to Ensure Your Accounts Are Safe

Living in the digital age, it’s all too common to find out your accounts have been compromised. If it hasn’t happened to you, you likely know someone who has—whether it be Facebook, email, digital banking, or really any other online account with a login. Luckily, there are ways to mitigate the damage while jump-starting your recovery process. If...
Protecting Your Information

10 Tips for Fortifying Your Passwords and Usernames

Many of us know not to include sensitive information, like our Social Security number or birthday, in our logins (and if you didn’t know, now you do!). But that’s just the most basic step you can take to keep your information safe from would-be fraudsters. Specific username and password rules can differ from website to website, but these five...
Protecting Your Information

6 Ways to Stay Ahead of Scams, Fraud, and Identity Theft

It can happen to anyone, and across all levels of familiarity with technology. Older generations, often targeted by scams and identity theft, are now matched by their Gen Z counterparts, whose comfort level with technology for everyday online transactions makes them particularly vulnerable. When someone’s identity is stolen, the victim’s financi...
Protecting Your Information